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  • Administrative Assistant
  • Copyright Law
  • Design
  • Domain Registration
  • Monitoring
  • Patents
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Tax Filing


  • Intellectual Property Registration Nig.

    $70/hr Starting at $670 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Nimark Intellectual Property Co is a well-established and highly experienced Intellectual Property firm specializing in all aspects of Trade Mark, Patent, Design, Domain, Copyright and National Agency...

    Administrative AssistantCopyright LawDesignDomain RegistrationMonitoring


You indicate interest; we promise, we deliver.

Work Terms

The hours of work shall be [Monday] to [Saturday] at hours determined by the provided that ordinary working hours shall not exceed [AMOUNT] hours per week.
*TIMING OF PAYMENTS. Compensation shall be paid by the Company every [PAY PERIOD] (the “Pay Period”) within [NUMBER OF DAYS] from the end of the Pay Period for which the Compensation is paid. For example, payments from the Pay Period ending [DATE] will be paid on or before [DATE].