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Total Feedback Received: 10

  • Jet_Ventures · Sep 02, 2011

    This team is very thorough and communicate very well. They are also creative and help add insight and intuition to our project. They are like a partner and team member as we bounce ideas off of each other. Sachin is great to work with and we really look forward to the custom development that they will do for us. Our next review and feedback will reveal how their true development skills are. But so far the HTML conversion and server setup have been solid, good work. Thanks!

    for Online Video Sharing & Contest Website

  • maxwelllegal · Dec 16, 2010

    Did a good job. A little bit of a communication barrier but it was completed the project.

    for Payment Integration

  • Bill_Rich · Aug 20, 2010

    Now we have a project that is looking more like we envisioned, we are comuinicating efectively and appear to be on the right track,so at this point I am happy with the desgin, and we are working through the fuctionability of the site. I would still like to see more suggestions, that are made by the vendor that enhances our website.

    for E-Com-1

  • Bill_Rich · Aug 20, 2010

    We had a problem in the beganing, which at this point I am going to look at as my and my vendors inability to understand the language of our respective country. we did get on the same page and once that happen, the project started to take the shape that we were hoping for.

    for E-Com-1

  • Yad_Zanganah · Jul 27, 2010

    Almost finished and happy

    for Ma7al

  • Yad_Zanganah · Jul 27, 2010

    Happy so far with this level

    for Ma7al

  • Yad_Zanganah · Jul 27, 2010

    Happy with this step so far

    for Ma7al

  • Michael_Licamele_III · Nov 17, 2009

    Everyone at Ace is great to work with. We are on to more projects with them which is the best recommendation we can give.

    for Mortgage Calculator Widgets

  • wes_bradle · Sep 26, 2009

    By the way, these guys started with one project, but their work was great so we asked them to do a few follow-on projects for us. Their prices are reasonable and they are willing to help you with whatever you need.

    for Star Rating and Review Section - PHP

  • wes_bradle · Sep 26, 2009

    We started the project with a specific goal to build a review system. We looked on multiple sites and ACE seemed to have the best skill set. Once they were hired, it took us a little while to organize a time to talk about project layout, but once we did, they were very fast. We did not do the best job setting expectations, but they did a great job in working with our needs and customizing the product to what we wanted. Once they received an assignment, they were very quick to make changes. A critique we had of the group was that in their desire to hurry, they didn't always check to make sure all changes were made. We had a few revisions where links were not correct, alignment was off, or formatting was not how we wanted. Our group tries to get every little thing right, so maybe we were too picky. The communication ranking is lower because it is very hard to communicate with someone 12 hours ahead of your timezone. We couldn't always meet online and that made the process go longer. The only other comment I have for ACE is to slow down and don't rush your clients to try and pay. Within minutes of completing a revision, they would ask for payment. It would be nice if they made sure all changes were made before asking for payment. Even with these small critiques, the group is VERY good. They have great technical skills, built anything we asked, their prices are reasonable, and they are willing to customize their work around your project. I would DEFINITELY work with ACE again. Thanks again Rahul for all of your hard work!

    for Star Rating and Review Section - PHP