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  • Shadow of Information Technology(SOIT)

    $12/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Me and my Partner has started a new company SOIT. We provide services such as Languages Expertise in All services listed will be done by expertise people of that field and within minimum price possible...

    .NETAjaxAndroidApp Developmentcnm


every company gives satisfaction but what about Wealth Maximization , we believe in. Shadow of IT- For the followers of Light

Shadow of IT better abbreviated as SOIT is a service cum product based IT company initiated in 2014 currently situated at Bangalore. SOIT is into IT outsourcing solutions to businesses PAN India.
Company focuses on providing the best by standing by the motto of following you like your shadow and providing you the shadow or reflection of what you need.

Identifying user goals and expectation(insights)
SOIT not only focuses on customer satisfaction but also wealth maximization by utilization of the most effective and efficient mannerism.We give personal attention to our clients to know their motivations, expectations, goals and their personal insight of the idea or problem of which the solution is needed, it also helps us to connect emotionally and perform it as the only agenda of our life by putting in our 100%and delivering the best. At SOIT we are very flexible with our facilities, services and manpower, the clients will be provided with the required IT needs and solutions and also the required professionals who are at their best , keeping in mind the cost effectiveness and efficiency required.


Mr. Adarsh Pratik

Mr. Pratik is the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) and co-founder of SOIT. He is dedicated to work on collaboration, laising people according to customer needs, Accounts and for all over management at SOIT and to analyze the outcomes of the projects to make every new project smoother and more successful than before.

Mr. Shobhit Bansal

Mr. Bansal is the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) and co-founder of SOIT. He is the visionary for all themes and gives color and shape to your imaginations in a sense that they look real and achievable and makes sure the goals are achieved and the solutions provided.

Founded: 2014

Work Terms

We work from 9 AM to 4 PM and 9 PM to 4 AM

Communicate through Phone- (+91) 9663321868
Mail -
Skype - addi0611
Whats App or any Social Media

Payment terms : 50% Advance Payment and 50% after the work