Meticulous, Creative, Deadline-Driven
Ann Kottner received a feminist liberal arts education with a major in English and minor in biology at Chatham University, and an M.A. in medieval English studies at Michigan State University, where she also taught science writing as a TA. Her wide-ranging experience includes 30+ years of freelance editorial work. Ann just recenlty left a position as a production and design specialist with MDRC. She has worked full or part-time doing editorial, design, and marketing work with one of New York City’s largest environmental consulting firms, AKRF; editorial and layout work for the American Institute of Physics; and copy editing with legal publisher Matthew Bender Co. Her experience lincludes 11 years of teaching writing at a number of Michigan and New York Metropolitan area colleges and universities, including three colleges in the CUNY system, and New Jersey City University.
Work Terms
I'm available from 10 AM to 6 PM EST, M-F, but I recognize that a deadline is a deadline. To that end, remember that of good, fast, and cheap, you can only have two.
My hourly editing and document design and layout rates are between $40-$65, depending on the task. I'm fine with negotiating flat fees, but generally do not work on retainer.