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  • Acrobat
  • Adobe Acrobat
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  • Blackboard Vista
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  • Design
  • Excel
  • Instructional Design
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  • Academic Writing

    $35/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I create highly effective written materials that uniquely differentiate your company from the competition. I write, what you need done right. As a seasoned Freelancer with over 15 years experience as...

    AccessAcrobatAdobe AcrobatAdvertisingAir
  • Newsletters

    $35/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I create highly effective written materials that uniquely differentiate your company from the competition. I write, what you need done right. As a seasoned Freelancer with over 15 years experience as...

    AccessAcrobatAdobe AcrobatAdvertisingAir
  • Reports

    $35/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I create highly effective written materials that uniquely differentiate your company from the competition. I write, what you need done right. As a seasoned Freelancer with over 15 years experience as...

    AccessAcrobatAdobe AcrobatAdvertisingAir
  • Resumes & Cover Letters

    $35/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I create highly effective written materials that uniquely differentiate your company from the competition. I write, what you need done right. As a seasoned Freelancer with over 15 years experience as...

    AccessAcrobatAdobe AcrobatAdvertisingAir
  • User Guides & Manuals

    $35/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I create highly effective written materials that uniquely differentiate your company from the competition. I write, what you need done right. As a seasoned Freelancer with over 15 years experience as...

    AccessAcrobatAdobe AcrobatAdvertisingAir


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