Freelancer Data Analyst using Python and Excel
I have a good skills in data analysis , data wrangling , data cleaning and data visualization.
I have a good experience in data analysis using excel, python , numpy and panadas and I can use matplotlib for data visualization.
I got the challenger track nanodegree in data analysis through Udacity and now, I am working on the professional track nanodegree.
My Experience:
I worked as a freelancer data analyst since oct. 2021
I successfully finished two projects in the professional data track nanodegree of udacity using python (for example: I analyzed data with some information about patients who had appointments to show up and tried to know why they did not attend the showing up)
My previous experience:
I worked as a structural technical office engineer in Redcon Construction company since jan. 2019 until now
I am going on getting a strong experience in data science through working a lot of projects and courses to enhance my career.