Data analysis engineer.
I love Playing With Data. When I have chosen to be a teaching assistant in transportation Engineering at Mansoura University, I found a strong relationship between data and transportation in the field of intelligent transportation systems. As my love for data, I accepted it to help people by solving many of the transportation problems in the world such as transport planning, traffic safety ... etc.
I took Nanodegrees in Data analysis using programming languages like R and python from different sources of online self-learning communities Udacity, Coursera, and EDX.
So, besides my full-time work as a teaching assistant, I keen on data scraping, wrangling, and analyzing to extract gold insights from this data.
Also, I chose transportation engineering as my master's degree and I use my skills in data analysis and programming in my study.
At my free time I love travelling, meditation and learn, to satisfy my desire in discovering the new things.