If I have replied to your job I can 100% assure you that I have the time, dedication and passion to fulfil your project as soon as you would like.
My name is Ahmed.
You will notice that I actually read your job requirements! Others seem to be happy with sending their usual old generic replies without concern about your project and your individual needs, so if I have replied to your job I can 100% assure you that I have the time, dedication and passion to fulfil your project as soon as you would like, now if you want! I am available on most common chat systems and can work closely with you or just get on with the task ahead.
I hold a Bachelor Degree in commerce and a CCNA Cisco Certificate with a comprehensive IT skill set.
I can work on any Operating System, HTML, Comprehensive research
Data entry anything
Check my Skills
Other! Do ask me?
I believe in commitment and Quality, but Quantity can also be achieved if that’s desire.
I am single and my overheads aren’t as large as others so I can work within tight budgets
Thank you for reading my brief, please initiate a chat so we can get this rolling…