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  • What you don't know about the difference

    $5/hr Starting at $25

    Taiwan is an island country off the coast of mainland China. Taiwan has a democratic system, and its government and society are very different from mainland China. Taiwan has its own culture, language...

    Article WritingBlog WritingJournalistic WritingLegal AssistantsLifestyle Writing
  • History of stock market crashes

    $15/hr Starting at $50

    Share is a social app that allows users to share photos and videos with their friends. It was founded by Dennis Crowley and Nate Wiener in 2011. When you think of the stock market crash, two years, 1929...

    BioinformaticsData VisualizationData WarehouseFinancial ModelingLogistics Consulting
  • Top tips for reading the Bible this year

    $5/hr Starting at $25

    The purpose of this article is to provide some suggestions to help you improve your Bible reading skills for this year ​Read the Bible like any other book My first piece of advice is to embrace what I...

    Book ProposalsGhostwritingInformation TechnologyScience Fiction WritingShort Stories
  • The sexiest part of our body

    $5/hr Starting at $25

    While most people are familiar with the top ten erogenous zones, there are some less obvious points that deserve recognition. The clitoris, nipples, and various other body parts have unique characteristics...

    Art ResearchBehavioral ResearchDirectorReport WritingResearch
  • Non Fungible Token (NFT)

    $30/hr Starting at $150

    A non-fungible token is a unique digital asset that cannot be replaced by other tokens. Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are a type of cryptocurrency that can be used to represent digital assets. They are...

    Design AnalysisDesign DocumentsDesigner 2000Entity Relationship DiagramGaming
  • The best plant and animal ingredients

    $15/hr Starting at $50

    What are your thoughts on new food blends with plant and animal ingredients? We can create a new hybrid food product with plant-based ingredients and animal-based ingredients. The product can be a vegan...

    Article WritingBlog WritingHealth WritingNutritionVegan

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Ahmed Rmdan
Ahmed Rmdan
QUS, Qina, Egypt