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  • Article Writing
  • Artist
  • Baking
  • Blog Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Fitness Consulting
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Web Content Writing
  • Web Development
  • Writing


  • Freelance Copywriter

    $25/hr Starting at $80 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hello, my name is AJ Schierkolk. I am a freelance copywriter who specializes in Blogs/Articles and website copy. I have knowledge in SEO and if you're looking for someone to write on the topic of Aerial...

    Article WritingArtistBakingBlog WritingCopywriting


Let's achieve your goals together!

I always say I’m a big city girl who suddenly moved to a small town right on the edge of Lake Superior.

I like to believe life should be full of exciting hobbies and adventures and I think I’ve got a couple.

I’ve dedicated 7 years of my life to becoming an Aerial Arts performer and coach, and if you ever run into me in my free time, you might just find me hanging upside down 15 feet in the air. However, on the off chance that I’m not, I’m most likely baking. As someone who has the excitement of living with a nut allergy, I aspire to bring joy to others by baking for all us nut allergy people out there.

Lastly, I happen to have an amazing fiancé who supports me through it all, he even cares enough to eat my weird sunflower-butter cookies, and put up with my dog obsession. Though, it paid off as we’re expecting to expand our family soon as we welcome a new Dalmatian puppy into our home in a couple of months.

I hope you keep petting all the puppies,


Work Terms

8am-8pm. Payments are due after the first or second round of revision. I prefer to be in contact by email or text, though phone calls are okay if needed.