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    The developer very easy to talk to and flexible with changing requirements. The code was of high quality and delivered on time.


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    This was a short additional task on existing successful implementation. The power of his skills is that he doesn't have to invent the wheel, but just brings an huge set of knowledge, plugins and C# libraries. So very quick and good in new implementations. Will hire again when needed."

    Vincent van Witteloostuyn

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    Ajay has delivered according to specification.


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    Agent is really cool to work with. I gave him a test assignment and he responded really fast. Will definitely like to work with again

    Sai kiran

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    Excellent commitment to quality work. Took the time to work thoroughly on a simple project. Definitely A++

    Joao Araujo

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    Our project is finished now, all backlog items are implemented and tested. The freelancer is also a friend now, and employee #2 in the company. So we will definitely re-hire, but for the next few months there are no bugs or new items to be implemented. Skills and performance is excel

    lent, and he's also bringing original ideas and better suggestions to our work. On his advice we moved to Azure, and I'm glad to listen to my freelancer."

     ...Read More

    Vincent van Witteloostuyn