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    "Alison Weaver and her company are committed to the improvement of their client's skills. Allison goes beyond the elementary topics by adding helpful resources and techniques. In addition, she has an abundant cross-cultural background and interesting stories and experiences to be shared with her cli


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    Gedeão L., ISFP (Instituto Federal de São Paulo)

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    “Allison is one of the most dedicated people that I have come across. She is passionate and is a true giver. She is extremely reliable, and I know that if I ever need a favor or advice I can come to her at any time. She is [also] a passionate teacher. -

    “Dara D., Analyst at Goldman Sachs

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    "You are a true inspiration, Allison. ...A tireless individual full of care and compassion the world so desperately needs. You have my utmost respect and admiration. Your heart truly does shine in how you live your life....May your continued successes in life be a beacon for those who wisely choose

    to follow you. I truly admire your lifelong commitment to education." -

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    Rick F., General Chairman CSX Northern Lines