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$35/hr · Starting at $500
5+ Years experience providing services as a concept artist, marketing illustrator, visual development, graphic design and product visualization. Portfolio and resume can be found below:
PRIMARY CONCEPT ARTISTDark Catt StudiosSept 2019 - Nov 2020Lead concept and visual development artist for multiple new VR projects, as well as overseeing any illustration and graphic design needs. Consistently worked with department heads to improve workflow. Gradually given more responsibility in day to day operation of the 2D art department and management of concept artist subcontractor. Supported where possible release of Djinni & Thaco: Trial by Spire as well as created PSN, Steam & Vive storefront assets.FREELANCE CONCEPT ARTIST, GRAPHIC DESIGNER AND ILLUSTRATORNov 2015 - Nov 2020Rendered the services of Concept Art, Illustration and Graphic Design to a multitude of studios and individuals across digital, traditional and virtual reality developments.CONCEPT ARTISTAge of Eternity May 2018 - Apr 2019Coordinated with Art Director to design visual direction for 4 distinct factions, developed modular vehicle, character and robot miniatures for 3D modeling and physical production. Additionally performed marketing illustration and graphic design roles for web and physical media.CONCEPT / VISUAL DEVELOPMENT ARTISTMass VR Feb 2016 - May 2017Established a coherent visual direction for characters, user interface, weapons, vehicles and overall mood.Successfully resolved a range of complex VR-related game development issues at an early stage with modelers and animators. Assisted non-art departments with conveying concepts to management and investors. CONCEPT ARTISTHidden Path Entertainment - Witchblood VR Aug 2016 - Sept 2016Created isometric props, player pickups and weaponry.Conceptualized and illustrated modular isometric environments.Supported outsourced modeling with clear and concise texture callouts, material indications.Consistently met tight schedule deadlines while collaborating remotely.
Available for freelance, contract and part time work
Book Illustrators
Digital Illustrators
Cover Artists
Concept Artists
Concept Developers
Line Artists
Pen and Ink Artists
Animal Illustrators
Graphic Designers
Fantasy Illustrators
Realistic Illustrators
Drawing Artists
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