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  • App Development
  • C++
  • CSS
  • Drupal
  • HTML
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Jenkins
  • Joomla
  • Node.js
  • OpenLayers
  • PHP
  • PHPUnit
  • Planning
  • Programming

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  • Full-stack developer and Project manager

    $25/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hello, dear customer! I am a master of Computer Science, right now I am getting my PhD and combining it with interesting projects as a freelance developer. My main speciality is a full-stack development,...

    App DevelopmentC++CSSDrupalHTML


Full-stack developer and Project manager

Hello, dear customer! I am a master of Computer Science, right now I am getting my PhD and combining it with interesting projects as a freelance developer.

My main speciality is a full-stack development, the technology stack is ReactJS, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Semantic / PHP, NodeJS, C++ / PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis / CI, TDD, Agile. Basically I can develop, setup and launch in production any web-application that correlates with my skills. I like to work in strong teams and I am capable of leading my own team when it comes to management.

Web-development skills: web-programming and system architecture;
Specialization in following programming languages: PHP, JavaScript (client side / server side), C++;
PHP-libraries: cURL, LibXML, LibXSLT;
JavaScript client-side: AngularJS, jQuery, jQuery UI, OpenLayers, Leaflet, Google V8;
Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB;
JavaScriptserver-side: NodeJS, Express;
Additional programming languages: Java, C, Python;
Web-servers: Apache 1/2, IIS 7;
Version control systems: SVN, Git;
Project-management systems: Redmine, FengOffice;
Unit-testing: PHPUnit, Mocha;
Continious Integration Services: Jenkins;
SPA and REST architecture applications;
Extreme programming paradigm, TDD / BDD.

Work Terms

25 dollars per hour, fixed contracts