Steven 298
Mar 17, 2019
There are a lot of Gurus on this platform, I am not one who just says things, I am a very picky person, and I want everything to be extremely perfect to the highest standards. If this is you, then, please give Alexa Global Soft Tech a chance. these guys, never ignore your questions or calls, even when thing go tough, they always do whatever it takes to make sure the project is accomplished. I have done several projects with them. On my latest project they have been working on it for almost a year and we still have long ways to go because it is huge and custom. But working with Pawan and the team is like having a coworker in the room next to you. I highly recommend giving Pawan and his team a chance. I don't know any one in USA who can do what these guys can do for the quality and price. Guru is good because of companies like Alexa Global Soft Tech.
Steven Katsonga Phiri
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