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  • .NET
  • Ajax
  • C#
  • Developer
  • Facebook
  • Facebook API
  • Flash
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • MVC
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • Web Development
  • Web Programming


  • Web developer since 1998

    $14/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Full stack developer with 17+ years of web programming experience (c#.NET, PHP, MVC, HTMLx, CSSx, JS frameworks, Flash ASx, Java, *SQL), including, but not limited to, integrated web-mobile platform for...



Internet Of Things here and now, let's take best of two worlds - virtual and real one

First time I've seen computer at the age of 14 (it was Atari XL back in 1989) and after that I never consider anything else to do for whatever living or work or hobby ;-) But I not locked in virtual reality, best experience for me is when technical solution fit needs of real life goals.
I am internet user since 1994 and full time web programmer since 1998.
I am expat, stay several years in Thailand and quality of life here allows me to provide quality web development: my goal is to come up with potentially perfect deal by all terms - cost, attitude, timing, understanding business goals and taking all technological advantages to achieve them.

Work Terms

Normally I spend at least 10hrs a day online, regardless of week day or holidays. I rather prefer to accept work terms from customer instead of enforcing something by my own. However I suggest to provide specifications in written form for any average or big task or project in order to make sure that all core features are covered detailed enough and nothing will be missed or misunderstood during production.