A firm that prioritizes your needs before anything else.
I was fresh out of a job and uncertain as to what would be my next career move. A couple of days later, a close friend told me how their family business was struggling to keep up with their finances. They wished that there was a clearer way to see where all of their money was going. Naturally, I volunteered to help out with whatever I could do for them.
They provided me their monthly business bank statement, I got on the computer and opened a blank spreadsheet. I got to work and recorded all of the money in and all of the money that went out (I now know them as income and expenses), and I even calculated what the profit was for the month!
When I handed the report to the family, they were so grateful for the clarity they now had and were excited to make the necessary changes for the business. It felt great doing something so important for them. They introduced me to bookkeeping.
I know you all are curious, and I won't leave you hanging...Yes! I do their monthly books to this day.