Throughout my academc journey, I have cultvated a strong passon for game development, partcularly usng the Unty game engne. My nterest n ths feld began n the 9th grade when I partcpated n the "Make Tomorrow" competton, where my project was recognzed among the top 50. That same year, I entered METU's "Anlat Robotunu" competton, creatng a game centered around a robot from my dreams, whch earned a place among the top 9 projects. Addtonally, I was nvted to partcpate n the FATIH codng project alongsde my teacher and three peers. Over the course of three years, I dedcated myself to masterng the Unty game engne and have been actvely utlzng t snce September 2018. My prmary focus has been on developng games for the moble platforms. Lately, I have been dealng wth Flutter for about 2 years and I have developed more than 10 projects n ths feld. In addton, the KAVIS system I developed for the use of publc nsttutons was also developed wth Flutter.