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  • Accounting
  • Audiobooks
  • Book Keeping
  • Business Consulting
  • Cost Accounting
  • Finance
  • Financial Analysis
  • Forecasting
  • Intuit Quickbooks
  • Microsoft Office
  • SAP Accounting
  • Tax Accounting


  • Accounting (finance)

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Work to design what's actually required. Try to give 100% until or unless Client gets satisfied. work like worship.

    AccountingAudiobooksBook KeepingBusiness ConsultingCost Accounting


Work to Create what's actually required. Try to give 100% until or unless Client gets satisfied. work like worship.

we have been working for the last 11 years as a Professional and have done 1000s of jobs locally and would like to grow ourself GLOBALLY.

our area of work comprises as follows: -
* Accounts
* Finance
* Data Entry
* HR, Administration Work
* Business consulting
* Business forecasting
* finance
* Business Analysis

Work Terms

Always available for clients.