Writer/Editor & Media Professional
(Bogotá, 1982) multi-national author and digital artist. CONTACT FOR WORKS AND COMMISSIONS. Pubished books include Conflagración Caribe (Poetry, 2007), the printed Nicaraguan memoir Poetas Pequeños Dioses (2006), Novísimos: Poetas Nicaragüenses del Tercer Milenio (2006) and 4M3R1C4 Novísima Poesía Latinoamericana (2010). Other works include a semiotic monograph (2013) that deconstructs underrated Nicaraguan poet Carlos Martínez Rivas’ 20th Century abstracted painting techniques applied in poetry. And for the time being, The Hyacinth: An On-going Nat Sec Story (literary fiction), is in the process of being written, the work touches on a variety of themes that include international drug trafficking, mind control, brainwashing, media censorship, 21st Century slavery and other memorable stories.
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Prefer full-engagement and clear communication