I got my PhD in computer science in May 2016. My research axes are Software engineering, Artificial Intelligence, big data and data science. Furthermore, I am state engineer in computer science (business intelligence).
I have seven years experience in software engineering, artificial intelligence, data science and big data. I have conducted several practical studies in software engineering, web development, data science and big data in several areas. I also gave many courses in programing (Java, Python, PhP,...), database, software engineering,...
My skills are:
- - Programming and databases: PhP, MySQL, Java, Python, R, etc.
- Artificial Intelligence: Machine learning, Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy logic, Neural Networks, game theory, ...;
- Data science: Natural language processing, Machine learning, Text mining, Social media analytics, Sentiment analysis, Web scraping, Data visualization, ... ;
- Big Data.
Work Terms
Software engineering, Programing, Web development, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Big Data.