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  • Article Writing
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  • Fiction and Researched Articles

    $9/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I write fiction and a lot of creative writing. But I also love to obsessively research things (I do it for fun a lot of the time) and would love to do your articles too. My oddities are put to use helping...

    Article WritingCreativeCreative WritingFiction WritingProfiles


I research and write already, why not turn my obsession into something good for you!

I am 25, relatively young I guess? I enjoy writing, have since I was a young child, I have slowly grown from only writing creatively to also doing research and thinking out of the box as far as how the things I research affect my day to day life. My hobbies includes rescuing exotic animals and rehabilitating them, taking care of various types of animals, reading, writing, trying to cook new foods in new ways, researching, learning about alternative ways to help treat medical problems, learning how to grow certain plants, learning about medical/mental disabilities, meditation, yoga, and music. I have a lot to learn and give still, I am hoping with taking some research and blogging positions, I can learn some amazing new things about stuff I didn't even know I was interested in.

Work Terms

My preferred communication style is online, preferablly over messaging for most of it, video call once.

My work style is I research and write, I will write entire articles likely in a day or two, depending on whether you like it after that depends on how soon you get it. For ongoing work you can easily get me working for you 20 hours a week. I set aside time at least 3 hours a day to work on freelancing things. The tracking app I use to track my time for freelancing is TopTracker.