Commitment to excellence.
Data Analytics and data scientist. I provide my clients with premium support.
Clear explanations, well-documented code, and actionable insights for data driven decisions.
I develop innovative tools and techniques to be implemented in data analysis and forecasting.
I'm comfortable with using R and Python language with variety of of powerful libraries.
- My passion to Data Science was my motivation to start my self learning journey along with my main specialization as Reservoir engineer in which we use ALOT of data analysis aspects.
- I followed different MOOC's platforms in my leaning path, Udacity, Coursera, DataCamp, In which I got my hands on real world projects and completed different projects.
- I worked on EDA (Explanatory Data Analysis), Machien learning models, Biostatistics Projects.
- I'm passionate about what I'm doing so I'll always be learning, progressing and will finish my jobs in a professional way.