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  • Chemistry Tutoring
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    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hi, everyone! My name is Amna Toheed, and I am thrilled to be your online tutor. I have a bachelor's degree in chemistry from University of Sargodha and I've been teaching chemistry for two years. Teaching...

    Algebra TutorCalculus TutorChemistry EducationChemistry TeacherChemistry Tutoring


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Hello, my name is Amna Toheed and I’m a certified tutor with a degree in chemistry. I specialize in tutoring mathematics, physics, and chemistry. I’m passionate about teaching science and helping my students gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of science. I’m an experienced tutor, dedicated to helping my students achieve their academic goals and excel in their studies. I’m an interactive tutor and enjoy using technology as an effective teaching tool.