Chartered Mechanical Engineer (Pumps & Water / Sewage Treatment)
I’m Chartered mechanical engineer (Engineers Australia and Engineering Council UK) experienced in delivering high quality water infrastructure and wet utilities projects.
I’ve license to practise in Egypt and had one for Qatar; I’ve SkillSelect EOI and Canadian Express Entry.
I gained Engineers Australia MSA Mechanical Engineer ANZSCO 233512 recognition with verified skilled employment. I'm also Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland.
Being well acquainted with design guidelines, British Standards and various local codes of practice, have enabled me to identify necessary deliverables for approvals, to persuade stakeholders with solutions produced, establish solid design parameters, and to design more than thirty pumping stations (conveying water, drainage, wastewater, irrigation, treated water TSE or sanitary); budgets range from few EUR million to 2000; the high-quality produced designs were approved, first trial, by prestigious consultancies, governments and stakeholders worldwide.
Further, with the development of my natural ability to see the bigger picture and have an eye for detail that competence enabled me to pick up design errors, review technical submittals and lead other team members. For instance, in various treatment plants (WTP, STP, WWTP) and pumping stations, I have revised the dimensions and arrangements of pump sumps, rooms, chambers, and equipment and fittings selection to match the applicable standards, and avoid unnecessary reworks.
Overall, by continuous professional development I have enriched my management skills through masters studies and developed a thorough understanding of building information management principles which in turn empowered me to act independently, or with minimum supervision.
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