$15/hr · Starting at $50
While I'm not a professional voice over person or voice actor, I have a decent speaking and singing voice and it's versatile enough for a wide variety of characters.
I've had about four years of video editing experience, and I own Adobe Premiere CS5 and Adobe After Effects CS5, though I'm more skilled with the former than the latter at the moment.
I'm a decently skilled writer with native fluency in english, and I can write both fiction and nonfiction effectively.
$15/hr · Starting at $150
I'm a burgeoning programmer with about four years of experience with Java. I'm in the process of learning other programming languages. I've had over five years of video production experience with Premiere Pro CS5, After Effects CS5, and Final Cut Pro 7. I'm a decent cartoonist. I have a good radio and singing voice, and it's versatile enough for voice acting. I'm a fairly good writer with a grasp of english grammar.
Freelance Writers
Computer Programmers
Java Developers
Video Editors
English Language Experts
Voice Over Artists
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