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  • Academic Consulting
  • English Language
  • Language Translation
  • Legal
  • Portuguese
  • Science
  • Portuguese Translation


  • Translation English to Portuguese BR

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Translation of documents (legal, technology, academic and science included) from English to Portuguese (Brazilian) 5 cents per word

    Academic ConsultingEnglish LanguageLanguage TranslationLegalPortuguese
  • Translation from Portuguese to English

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Translation of documents (legal, technology, academic and science included) from Portuguese (Brazilian) to English 5 cents per word

    Academic ConsultingEnglish LanguageLanguage TranslationLegalPortuguese


Fast and Reasonably Priced Copywriting, Translations and Transcriptions (Portuguese and English)

Has a law degree from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie with working experience as an intern in civil litigation, with a focus on civil liability, at traditional law firm Machado Meyer

Took the courses "Curso de Direito Digital Aplicado" (“Course of Applied Digital Law”) from FGV/SP and "Repensando Direito, Cultura e Tecnologia" (“Rethinking Law, Culture and Technology”) and "Marco Civil da Internet e sua Aplicação" (“Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet and how it's Applied”) offered by ITS/Rio

Has written several academic articles on subjects related to law, technology, privacy and economy such as “Privacidade e Anonimidade na Internet” (“Privacy and Anonimity on the Internet”), “Indenização Punitiva Proporcional ao Lucro” (“Punitive Damages Proportioned to Profit”), “Responsabilidade civil em caso de vazamento de fotos íntimas e conteúdo ilícito” (“Civil Libility regarding the leaks of intimate photos and illicit content”), “A ilicitude do Digital Rights Management (DRM) no Direito brasileiro” (“The unlawfullnes of Digital Rights Managemente in Brazilian Law”) and “O Fim do DRM na Internet das Coisas: Como impedir a Torre de Babel tecnológica” (“The End of DRM on the Internet of Things: How To Stop Technology's Babel Tower”)

Wrote and translated several articles and comics – such as XKCD - from english to portuguese. A sample of this work can be found at me site “The Flooder” ( )

Acquired research experience as a member of the "Grupo de Trabalho Juscelino Kubitschek" (“JK Work Group”), the findings of the group can be found at Verdade Aberta (“Open Truth”, )

Taught a 10 hour course called “Internet Aberta” that thought people how to use the Internet resources to their advantage (“Open Internet”, fully available here ) as an “Open Government Agent” of São Paulo's Prefecture

Also works as a Freelance Writer for iBus Media

Work Terms

Hours as needed (Monday though Saturday)
Payment via Paypal
Communication via e-mail (