Jan 13, 2017
Andretta Schellinger of ‘To the Letter Editing’ did an excellent job on my novel, ‘Accelerant -Continental Drift.”
My novel’s manuscript benefited from Andretta’s candor and development suggestions and ideas. Andretta went through each chapter with tireless detail. I benefited from her candor and expertise and felt I grew as a writer in the process. I also enjoyed her laughter and thoughts on each character as I reviewed and made changes as she suggested.
I am so impressed with her work that I am requested that she review and edit my first military fiction book that is currently being offered on Amazon. ‘The Sixth Extinction: Genesis: A New World Order’ ( ). I did use a professional editor and received an excellent review from Reader Favorite. However, I did receive mixed reviews on Goodreads. Quite frankly, I believe Andretta’s level of editing expertise will enhance the readability and entertainment experience for the reader.
I would recommend Andretta highly to other authors…new and established.
James Morris Robinson - Author
Military Fiction Novel Editing