Quality content is still king.
Work experience
I have been freelance writing for over eight years and have published my own books too. I have a background in psychology, hypnotherapy, and life coaching. I spent some time teaching other people business skills and still create courses based on that subject. I am very experienced in building subscriber bases and email marketing.
Hobbies or interests
I love wildlife and photography and so can often be found hiking around the countryside. My other passion is cooking, and I create cookbooks, my next one will be based around fusion food. Travel and food seem to combine, and I am keen to explore that further.
I believe in building a good working relationship with clients no matter how small a job might be. Good business is about supplying quality and understanding the market. Communication being the key.
Work Terms
Payment through Guru Safepay. I work normal office hours from Monday to Friday but can be flexible for clients from different time zones or those that have specific deadlines.