As a VBA / SQL / Information Developer I am fully proficient in the development of solutions in Microsoft Excel, Access, Outlook, & Word plus SQL Server and Oracle databases
I have 20+ years IT development experience and have a particular interest in Excel VBA.
In the late 1990's I was given the office Fantasy Football spreadsheet to maintain - it was as very manual, labour intensive data entry version. Over the years I made it my mission to learn all things Excel. Ultimately that led to (a few versions later), a Fantasy Football spreadsheet that: a) auto-updated itself from the Web, b) emailed updates to the players, c) calculated and produced graphs and statistical analysis. All of this in VBA.
I have for many years worked for companies in a contract role delivering Excel solutions that have to be of good quality, easy to use, and be very accurate. I am looking to bring this standard into freelance work.
Work Terms
I am based in the UK, so there potentially is a time difference with the majority of potential clients meaning I would prefer communication via email, Skype etc.
Payment terms are flexible to suit everyone's needs.