Web /Mobile design • Art&Illustration • Mobile Development • Backend Development • Software QA Testing
A good team needs three things: people need, right spirit and a couple in jokes." We have all of this in the jDroidCoder group and are key to the success of our projects. The jDroidCoder group is not just an agency - it's a good team that knows that communication is needed to achieve the result. We love our business. Together, we achieve new goals and enjoy our work. We know that any project starts with design. In our team you will find designers who which will give you the best solution and become your leaders in the world of modern design trends. - Web and Mobile design - Illustrations and Graphic design. The next step to a successful project is a functioning application. Leave it to our developer. Just choose what you need. - Android/ IOS applications development - Kotlin/ Java - Objective-C - Swift If you need a backend developer. No problem. We will give you this. - PHP - Frames Laravle / YII2 / Phalcon - MySql / NoSql databases - JS / HTML 5 / CSS 3 / Bootstrap - RestFul API Also, we understand that each completed project requires testing, to check the correctness and quality of its work. We have a tester who focus attention on detail and logical thinking and can help you in: - Software QA Testing /Manual testing - Test cases/Test plans So, we are working step by step on the creation of new projects and always ready to comunicated with our customers. We know that for the success of the project need to put questions that are important to you without fear, no matter what side of the table you are sitting on