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  • Research
  • Article Writing
  • Writing
  • Content Writing
  • Poetry
  • Article Editing
  • Blogging
  • Poems
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Blogs
  • Copy Editing
  • Editing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Health
  • Memoir Writing

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  • Content Writer

    $20/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    You've heard it time and again, "Content is King." I agree totally. The content you offer is a reflection of what you stand for. A website stocked with good content is like a well-stocked bookstore. ...

    Article WritingContent WritingOnline Presence ManagementResearchSearch Engine Optimization
  • Article Writing

    $20/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    When it come to article writing, I've extensive experience, having written more than 500 articles of varying length. I do thorough research and present facts in a reader-friendly way. No topics is off...

    Article EditingArticle WritingContent WritingHealthResearch
  • Blogging

    $20/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource


    Article EditingArticle WritingBloggingBlogsEditing
  • Memoir Writing

    $20/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Want to breathe life into your memories? Or turn interesting events in your life into a story that has universal appeal? When it come to writing personal stories or memoirs, I've extensive experience...

    Copy EditingMemoir WritingWriting
  • Poetry Writing

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Need a poem to express your love or your feelings? Need a special poem for a special someone for a special occasion? You've come to the right place. I enjoy crafting poem. I've written nursery rhymes,...



Words at work.

A writer by choice, I've been writing for the past 7 years. In the process, I've taken on different voices to address different platforms of writing. Each piece of writing is written with the audience in mind, whether it be ghostwriting, blogging, writing article for a health-food company or a personal poem for a client.

My writing experience includes the following:

* content for various websites
* articles on various subjects
* researched articles for various clients
* blogs
* poetry
* articles for newspapers and magazines
* editing and proofreading books, articles, speeches
* ghostwriting memoirs, books, life stories
* inspirational writing

Because I enjoy writing, it shows in my work. Every piece of work is a labor of love. Nothing else would do. If you need any work done, feel free to contact me. You can be assured that your work will not be treated like another job. I take each piece of work seriously and, always, with the best of my ability.

You can contact me on

Work Terms

I'm available, Monday through Saturday, 9 am to 9 pm, Pacific Time. You can email me or reach me through Guru private messaging system.