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  • Accounting
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Chinese Tutoring
  • Language Translation
  • Management
  • Mandarin Tutor
  • Marketing
  • Training


  • Student Counselor, Marketing Specialist

    $20/hr Starting at $75 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I consider myself to be self-driven, organized, and reliable person and a fast learner. I have been working in international education industry for four years.  I am an Australian permanent resident...

    AccountingAdministrative AssistantChinese TutoringLanguage TranslationManagement


Please send an email to to request my cover letter and resume.

I am looking for a part-time (remote) position. I am happy to start a new position from the entry-level. I am not money-driven. I am keen on learning new skills which will benefit my career in the long term. I am a problem solver and a fast learner.

I am originally from China. I have been living in Australia for nearly eight years, and I am an Australian permanent resident.

My skills sets:
Customer Support
Student counselling
Business Management

My current position is as an International Student Advisor at TasTAFE (permanent, part-time).

Work Terms

I consider myself to be self-driven, organized, and reliable person and a fast learner. I have been working in international education industry for four years.

I am an Australian permanent resident. My current position is an International Student Advisor at TasTAFE (permanent position, part time).


• Marking Officer & Education Consultant (April 2016 to October 2017)

• Campus Management & Student Administration (February 2019 to October 2020)

• International Student Advisor & Student Support Service (October 2020 to present)


• NAATI Professional Translator (English into LOTE) Advanced Diploma of Translating Australian - Institute of Translation and interpretation

• Qualified Education Agent counsellor (QEAC No:M798) - Professional international Education Resources

• HLTAID003 Provide First Aid (No: 6640256-4663537) - CBD College

• Foundations in in Vocational Education and Training Compliance - Australian Institute of Compliance Professionals


• Master of Business Administration (International Business) - The University of Tasmania - Hobart

• Master of Accounting and Marketing - The University of Adelaide - Adelaide, SA, Australia

• Bachelor of Software Engineering - North University of China (South Gate) -Taiyuan Shi, Shanxi Sheng, China