Let me make your imagination a reality using website
I can give almost all functionality to my website which in modern days helping every online entrepreneurs to deliver awesome products efficiently.
I started website creation since 2016 where i just started by creating a blog site which excited me then after spending more than 8 years trying and testing each properties of an amazing website i learned to develop sites by giving even functionality of my own.
I created a crypto bubbles site lately which gathered an amazing audience as this site fetches all info from top assets and displays using bubbles in such a way than researching becomes so easy that on a glimpse of view one can estimate the fundaments of an asset ,the bubbles changes its properties in such a way that this become possible.
I like working remotely so i left study, so i don't have any degree but whatever i can do in the field of website creation ,most degree holders can't.
Feel free to elaborate and discuss about your project and i will make it a reality.