Full Stack Developer with hands-on experience in developing and deploying web applications. Have a proven track record in crafting multiple highly-scalable applications using full stack. Stack Self Learned With a Passion for Coding. Strong MERN & Javascript Skills. I am passionate about providing solutions to users by building accessible products. I'm quietly confident, naturally curious, and perpetually working on improving my development problem at a time. I'm happiest when I'm creating, learning, exploring, and thinking about how to make things better. Always Eager to Adapt and Take on New Challenges!
My Skills
Full Stack Developer (MERN Stack)
FrontEnd --
React Js , NextJs, Redux, TailwindCSS, CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SASS/SCSS, Responsive design
BackEnd --
Express JS, NodeJS, MongoDB, API
Hosting --
Aws, Digital Ocean, Ionos, Nginx
Any VPS Server Hosting
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