Social media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide you.” – Matt Goulart
Greetings! My name is Anthony and my specialty is innovation. A little backstory about me. As soon as I graduated high school a friend and I started a clothing company named Flite 88. As teenagers my partner and I had to be innovative in our promoting and marketing to gain exposure just in the state of New Jersey ( Fun fact I’m from New Jersey). We also had to learn to do things in house because we couldn’t afford a marketing budget, or a website budget. So long story short I taught myself website design, Social media setup/marketing, and business budgeting (fun fact #2 my school actually taught me that. I have a B.S degree in business Management). Fast forward to how many ever many years later now my focus is to help businesses with the knowledge I’ve accumulated over my career. So if your are an individual or company who is looking to expand on their online presence I only have one thing to say to you.. Let’s work!