I am a senior full-stack software engineer proficient in developing web and mobile applications. I have experience managing the team of developers and can take care of building projects from scratch through production and support. I put business goals first and aim at creating scalable and easily maintainable applications. I’m patient about creating high quality and maintainable software solutions.
🔥 Areas of expertise:
- Developing software products from the ground up with direct communication with stakeholders
- Developing client-side of applications, server-side services and APIs
- Leading and managing the team of developers
Technical proficiencies:
Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
Client-side & mobile: React, Next.js, React Native, Redux, Redux-Saga, Apollo GraphQL
Server-side: NestJS, Express, Node.js
User interface: Material UI, Tailwind CSS, HTML / CSS, Ant Design
Databases: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL
Build tools: Webpack
ORMs: TypeORM, Mongoose, Knex, Sequelize
CI&Containerizations: Docker
Cloud solutions: Google Firebase, AWS