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  • .NET
  • PHP
  • Unity 3D
  • 3D
  • Android
  • Android SDK
  • C#
  • Developer
  • Entity Framework
  • Java
  • Mobile
  • PostgreSQL
  • Web Development

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  • Web / Mobile Developer

    $12/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am available for both web and mobile projects. I have 3 years of experience with both and am looking to join some interesting projects. I am also available for Unity 3D projects as well.

    .NET3DAndroidAndroid SDKASP.NET


Delivering optimized high quality code is my passion. I enjoy working in projects of all sizes and I always keep good communication and am flexible with the terms and conditions.

Software Developer Generalist with 3+ years of experience and strong emphasis on Android mobile development. I am also proficient in web and game development.

I started my career in a big company, where I learned the way production code is delivered. Later I decided to move to the freelance sector seeking variety and flexibility in the projects I am working on.

Work experince:
1. Telerik - A Progress Company (2 years). I was a software developer in the Android UI Suite and I was responsible of development and support of some of the controls. The products can be seen here - .
2. Freelance projects for mobile, web and games.

My skills include:
1. Android / Java
2. ASP.NET / C#
3. Laravel / PHP
4. PostgreSQL
5. Unity 3D

I am interested in projects of all sizes and backgrounds. Optimization and high quality are my main goals when delivering a project.

Work Terms

I am available for hire 40 hours per week. My current rate is about $10-15 per hour and this varies between the complexity of the work involved. I am flexible with rates.

I prefer to receive 30% of the final payment upfront if the project will be paid in one step. Weekly payments are also fine.

I provide constant updates and good communication during the time of development.

All bugs discovered for up to 3 months after the project has been submitted will be fixed FREE of charge!