News around the world
Relevant local, national and international news and information. They usually work for media organizations such as television or radio stations, newspapers, or online networks. As media continues to move to digital content, there is an increasing demand for journalists to be proficient in multiple platforms. Today, they often have to record, interview, write or edit their stories or reports. Once an article or feature is complete, journalists may be responsible for updating the content as new information becomes available.
Creating a resume should come naturally to those in this field: you need to tell an interesting story based on a simple structure that quickly covers key facts without irrelevant details. In other words, it's very similar to your first press coverage.
But while you may have a foothold as professionals in a field that relies heavily on writing, the details of writing a good journalistic resume can be difficult to nail down. In addition to being well-written and well-designed, they need to follow a specific format to ensure they include exactly what is needed and nothing else. We are here to help.
Work Terms
Working hours are open and communication is via WhatsApp