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  • Article Writing
  • Chemistry
  • Chemistry Tutoring
  • Data Entry
  • Data Management
  • Microsoft
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Word
  • Office Assistant
  • Physics Tutoring
  • Science Teacher
  • Writing


  • Data Entry, Eduction

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Hi! I'm Aqsa Ahsan. I'm newly Graduate in Chemistry. I have all computer skills because in 4 year of my Graduation I learned all computer skills. That's why I'm expert in Data entry, copy paste on MS...

    Article WritingChemistryChemistry TutoringData EntryData Management


Hi I am Aqsa Ahsan. I did my FS.c in Medical. Recently I completed my Graduation in Chemistry from University Of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan. I worked as a analyst in PCSIR Laboratory Complexe that is a Pakistan's largest institute for testing sample. I have all computer skills because in 4 year of my Graduation I learned all computer skills. That's why I'm expert in Data entry, copy paste on MS Office files. I'm also expert in teaching and article Writing. I have good command over Microsoft word, excel, outlook and powerpoint. Being a specialist Data Entry Operator, I can complete all your projects at a time. I am a workaholic and skilled enough to carry out all your projects successfully.