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  • Chemistry Tutoring
  • Algebra Tutor
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  • Chemistry
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  • Mathematics Tutoring
  • Pharmacology
  • Physics Tutoring
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  • Science Education
  • Science Teacher
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  • online tutoring with 24/7 availability

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Are you seeking for a biology and science teaching specialist? Then you are in the right place. I am your BIOLOGY, GENERAL SCIENCE AND CHEMISTRY teacher with over 9 years of experience in online tutoring...

    Algebra TutorBiologyChemistryChemistry TutoringEducational Consulting


lets embark on this learning journey together and unlock your potential !

Hi! This is Aqsa Adeel, an online tutor and a medical writer. By profession i'm a certified pharmacist. Welcome to my tutoring services, where quality and experience collide! I am excited to provide thorough assistance in a variety of subjects, from the basic fields of science and math's to the complex fields of biology, chemistry, pharmacology, biochemistry, physiology and pharmacognosy.
I have 9 years of invaluable experience as a tutor. I place a strong emphasis on active participation during our sessions,creating an engaging learning environment. Let's unlock your full potential.

Work Terms

50% upfront
50% at the completion of project

Attachments (Click to Preview)