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  • A freelance academic content writer

    $15/hr Starting at $25

    Hi, Myself a management post graduate working as a freelancer in creative & academic content writing for the past year.I generally work on different niches,management subjects,marketing,human resource,finance...

    AccountingContent WritingCreative WritingFinanceManagement


An Academic Content Writer and Research Analyst

A management post graduate having an eye for details putting untiring continuous effort to deliver the best of my abilities to my clients.Flawless work coupled with timely submission of projects have been my strength and the reason for my client's satisfaction.Its been a while working in the academic content writing domain and i am always in the lookout for new and interesting academic projects that will help in value addition and upgrading my knowledge quotient effectively.I think that expertise in any field can only be achieved at the cost of lifetime and hence i am constantly knowledge and skills to meet the varied demands and expectations of the clients effectively.

Work Terms

Although i am particular about maintaining a good work-life balance yet my working hours tend to depend on the kind of offers and payments i receive.However, i am always open to good offers from genuine clients who appreciate and acknowledge good work.

Arindom Ghosh
Arindom Ghosh
Chandannagar, West Bengal, India