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  • WordPress
  • Agile
  • Android
  • Appcelerator Titanium
  • ASP
  • Blackberry
  • Corporate
  • Corporate Standards
  • iOS
  • iPad
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  • J2EE
  • Java
  • Joomla

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  • Personalized world class Mobile and Web

    $15/hr Starting at $55 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Personalized world class Mobile and Web solutions for your business. Proven expertise and dozens of successfully completed projects. Over 200,000 worked hours on Marketplaces. Agile software development...

    AgileAndroidAppcelerator TitaniumASPASP.NET


Web and Software Development Experts

Jprinfoserve provides the range of services:

• web development: web sites, micro sites and web services creation based on a custom architecture using PHP, LAMP, yii, ASP.NET, C#, Java, J2EE, JavaScript, HTML5 on based on the best open source content management systems: WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, Magento. Our specialists will consult you about fastest, easiest and the most useful options, so you save your time for more important questions;

• quality assurance. Providing the high-end testing services based on the ISTQB approach for each project. All system testing methodologies and techniques are for your service. Additionally we provide the special quality assurance program for projects on a market. If you are not sure with the quality of 3rd party developer’s product - we can check it and provide you with recommendations/fixes for your solution. Ad Hoc testing, automated testing, usability testing,

• building a complex system which consists of a server and one or more mobile clients. Just gather your ideas and we will find interconnection spots!

• product maintenance. Your idea grows up faster than you expected? You need extra support? Don't worry, just tell us about your wish in the evening and in the morning your idea will rise like a Sun with new shine!

• marketing and promotion: SEO, SEM, SMM, marketplaces promotion, brand promotion

• Ideas Implementation. If you have a wish and don’t know how to realize you dream, our specialists may create the whole project staging for you that will include:
- requirements specification/analysis,
- UI Design/Graphical Design/UX, usability and user experience,
- architecture development,
- implementation/coding,
- quality control and quality assurance (QA/QC),
- project management (PM)
- maintanance

Whichever mobile platform or web development you choose, we will do our best!

Glad to meet you at Elance.
Jprinfoserve Team

Work Terms

We practice a very simple approach – doing our best to satisfy our Customer with the results of collaboration. At the beginning of a project we assemble a team of professional developers, QA specialists, designers and project managers – and expand the team in case of necessity. We orient at close collaboration and communication with the Customer.

Our goals are:
• To establish efficient communication between the Customer and the team;
• Transparency of decisions and actions, clearness of requirements, fulfillment of expectations from both sides;
• Efficient communication within the team, enabling to exchange experience and knowledge;
• Separating the financial side from the development side. Quick consent about the financial side allows us to proceed to the development itself.

Every person in the team can be involved:

• full-time – regular for developers; sometimes for project managers and QA specialists;
• part-time – usual for project managers and QA specialists;
• as needed – usual for designers.
We use incremental development approach and various methodologies including Scrum and Kanban. New technologies and opportunities on the mobile market are constantly being tracked and explored.

Billing can be performed in two ways:
• Hourly – according to the amount of time spent by the team. Billing period can be defined as one week, two weeks or a month. Billing amount equals spent time multiplied by our rate.
• Retainer – we agree beforehand on the exact amount of time spent by each person in the team during the billing period. Thus the billing amount is known beforehand as well. Billing period can be defined as two weeks or a month.

Our approach presumes an ongoing work on the projects with planned expenses. If you have a fixed budget for your project or a part of the project, we can handle it in the following way. First we analyze the approximate scope of work and let you know if we can fit in the budget. Then we plan the iterations, build the product backlog