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  • Artist
  • Creative Design
  • Art Teaching
  • Curriculum Development
  • Fine Art
  • Ideation
  • Image Design
  • Instructional Design
  • Lesson Plan Writing
  • Planning
  • Visual Art


  • Art based Integrative Lessons planned

    $15/hr Starting at $60 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Customized lesson developing for teachers and home schooling Lesson plan writing customized to each school and District needs Project creating with Art integration for better raport and motivation Cultural...

    ArtistCreative DesignCurriculum DevelopmentInstructional DesignLesson Plan Writing
  • Children's book illustrations

    $15/hr Starting at $80 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Whimsical and age appropriate images for your book or learning visuals Color and playful images using interesting ideas that will call kids attention and develop their creativity. Open their minds to...

    Art TeachingArtistCreative DesignFine ArtIdeation


Out the box Artist / Facilitator who paints outside the lines

Born with a crayon on my hand to be out in the world. Live in both sides of the Equator of the Americas for more years that I can tell.
My first years played and learned in the south hemisphere and became part of two worlds in my adolescent years when moved to the north hemisphere. Then I became part of two different cultures and languages.
Throughout the years Art has expanded my view and understanding of humanity and also has been my particular tool to reach students in all the years in public education. Finally as I have become an independent art worker, I am able to become more creative and let my imagination fly. The thread that connects me from childhood to adulthood has always been colored with the power of Art.
I have taught over 15 years, in California public schools, from K to 12, Adult Ed for immigrants, volunteering to teach Art, overseas EFL, and kept a studio for my own artistic expression. I created my own lessons in two languages, used theme based and integrated learning that I can now share with teachers and parents

Work Terms

I offer to put together a set of Art based lessons within a theme/ topic
within the Curriculum required by your district or State Standards.
Usually a project based unit will address two other subjects to be integrated
with as many of three art areas, and can be delivered and assessed in a weeks' time.
Online or in person teaching the role of the teacher will be that of a facilitator

I will usually need one week preparation to be able to address all requirements.
One project can be shared with other teachers of same school so that the cost will be affordable. A project should cost around US$150.00
Imagine all that prep time saved. From a seasoned teacher to you.

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