Data is the resource that will always show the way to grow your business. I am working with data more than 6 years, delivering insights, decisions and finding way problems could be solved.
My role as a data analyst is to help you extract the stories and insights that are relevant and rich in meaning for your business. I am using this methods to take away pain understanding and using data:
Organize your data - make it clear, well structured, easily processed and usable for analysis
Analyze your data - use power of statistics to make decisions confident and predictable
Show your data - it could be intelligible, beautiful, useful and insightful
Tell more than just numbers - through years I got insight that most value could be obtained from understanding what behind numbers, why you have such metrics, what would be if they change and how they could be changed in most efficient way
To obtain this I use spectre of tools and methods:
BI tools - Tableau, Google data studio, Dash, Redash, Metabase, Jupyter and domain-specific tools
Data storage - Db and datasources using SQL, noSQL, Api, json, csv, xml, Excel, Google sheets
Coding - Comprehensive analysis using Python+DS&ETL&ML libraries, Google App Script, SQL
I've worked on solving user acqusition, financial, payroll, e-commerce, geospatial and some bioinformatics issues.Also I've helped to create and improve various business-processes envolving hundreds of people.
My approach is to be open-minded to all, so if you have comprehensive, sophisticated or just obscure issue, it could be very interesting for me to solve it.