Frontend Engineer Specializing in 3D and Data Visualization
I usually create a high-quality web application that works, making for your profit, creating advertising for your company, and delivering aesthetic pleasure to you and your visitors. My strongest skill is the ability to build 3D web applications and apply data visualization and data analysis to real business cases and provides stakeholders with possible solutions that could improve their business.
My service includes creating visual apps for the web:
✔️ Product configurators for 3D commerce - Carport, Vehicle, Apparel, Furniture, Shoe, Jewelry,
✔️ Online Sales Gallery Presentation Tools
✔️ 3D web viewers
✔️ Web-based CAD
✔️ 2D / 3D planner
✔️ Panorama viewer
✔️ Web-based Training apps (include AR/VR)
✔️ Data visualization
✔️ Data Analytics
✔️ Interactive 3D website
✔️ CMS development
✔️ SaaS development
Feel free to contact me when it comes to 3D web application, Data Visualization, and Data Analytics - would be happy to help.