Dare and Do
Classical Control Systems(feedback loops, root locus techniques, state space models etc.) , Optimal and
Robust Control (H2 and H inf. norms, Linear matrix Inequalities), Linear and Non Linear System
Identification(Predictive Control , Artificial Neural Networks), Robotics and Navigation in Medicine ( ROS ,
Communication to Robot etc.), Digital Image Analysis are the main subjects of my Masters Curriculum.
In my curriculum, I worked in a project (group of 5 members) to detect the tumours in the patient's head
with the UR3 robotic arm. In this project, I used my theoretical knowledge into practice. I worked on ROS-
Robot operation System, during this project. I have attached the report of this paper with my CV. In this
project we worked in MATLAB.
I did my student job at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg in the field of instrument control and
battery modelling. The institute wants to produce a hydrogen-powered drone. In this project, they want to
develop a hydrogen fuel cell drone. Since the hydrogen fuel cell (1KW) is very dangerous for testing
purposes, I have used the bar (1 kW). I worked in MATLAB to establish a communication between the
battery and the computer. This project gave me a deep understanding of how to record readings from an
instrument box using MATLAB. I have worked in created GUI (small model) and Simulink.
Work Terms
Depends upon the client requirement