Co-founder & CTO Youbeo, developer, designer, and beer geek.
During the last few years I have spent both my work time and free time developing dynamic, UI rich websites and apps for a wide variety of applications and businesses.
Specialties: PHP, SQL, Javascript, AngularJS, jQuery, Tipsy, Photoshop, iOS, Android, Cordova, Node.js.
Creator of Tipsy, Cluckbutton, Cana, Cheryl, BeerSquirrel,, Timeout, OS Gallery, OS File Manager, Colos, and a contributor to lots of fun things.
Work Terms
I work all sorts of crazy hours at all times of the day, so it's pretty likly that wherever in the world you are, we will be able to stay in touch. I prefer some sort of combination of email, slack, and issue tracking software.