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  • Campaign Planning
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google
  • Linkedin Marketing
  • Pay Per Click
  • PPC
  • SEO
  • SMO
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Twitter Marketing
  • Video Ads
  • Videos


  • Digital Marketing Executive

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Google PPC, Facebook Campaign, Video Ad, SMS Marketing, E-mail Marketing

    Campaign PlanningFacebook AdsGoogleLinkedin MarketingPay Per Click


Nothing is impossible as impossible self say I am possible.

My Role: As a SEO Specialist • Perform keyword research in coordination with client business objectives to optimize existing content and uncover new opportunities • Provide SEO analysis and recommendations in coordination with elements and structure of websites and web pages • Provide recommendations and execute strategies for content development in coordination with SEO goals – general and keyword specific • Administer search engine programs (XML sitemaps, shopping feeds, webmaster tools) for purposes of diagnostic reporting on client projects • Implementing link building campaigns • Implementing and managing Google ad word campaigns. • Monitoring web analytics dashboards, reports and key reporting tools, and point out key areas of importance in accordance client goals. AS a SMO Specialist • Managing social media activities for clients including developing strategy for posting on their social channels and for their campaigns. • Ideating contest and campaign ideas for implementing on client social channels. • Implementing and managing social campaigns including paid and organic campaigns. • Regular interaction with target audience of clients to bring them to the social channels and in turn to the website. • Monitoring and listening to various social platforms for discussions related to the client brand and its related keywords. • Coordinating with the client and the execution teams working on various other aspects of the client’s digital program for effective process management and execution. • Strategizing brand building and expansion activities for clients to get the information about the brand.

Work Terms

SEO.SMO, Google PPC, FB Campaign, Youtube Campaign,