What we can do excellent to support your global business growth?
We can support your existing website or e-commerce site management or customization even migration, SEO and help you understanding what happens on your website through Google Analytics. Besides, we also support custom development by PHP/C/C++/Lua/Perl/Plsql/Coco2d-x/Corona/Python and more. If you need enterprise technical consultant like Oracle ERP, Odoo ERP/CRM, Salesforce, we can support too.
Are you ineterested in APP or launcher developement, we can support it.
The most important thing is that we can help to manage your global IT/marketing/sales and design teams and help them doing their jobs better.
Work Terms
* Web server management: apache, nginx
* Linux management: centos, ubuntu
* IDC on-duty (Asia timezone)
* Database management: mysql, postgresql, AWS RDS, Redshit
* AWS management
* Google Analytics
* Facebook Fan page operation
* Security and Information Security Vulnerability
* Strategy of EC
* PHP, C/C++, Lua, Perl, PL/SQL, coco2d-x, Corona SDK, Python custom development
* Logo design
* Banner design
* Minisite or event , campaign site design and development
* Website development
* EC site development
* iOS/Android App developmenet
* Website maintenance and migration
* EC site maintenance and mirgation
* Odoo ERP
* Odoo CRM
* Oracle ERP consultant
* Wordpress setup and maintenance
* Magento2 setup and maintenance
* OTA server for Android ROM upgrade
* Android Launcher design
* Android Launcher development
* Code review
* Cross region IT team management